Valuation of results

Scientific valorization through publications

  • Robotics Community
  • Smart Vehicle Community
  • Computer Vision Community

Economic and industrial valorization

  • Usage of the knowledge produced for the development of event cameras
  • Significant spin-offs in the field of autonomous vehicles

Publications produced as part of the project

pile de livres

Papers at international conferences

  • Zhou, Z., Wu, Z., Danda, D.P., Boutteau, R., Yang, F., Van Gool, L., Timofte, R., Ginhac, D., (2024) : Event-Free Moving Object Segmentation from Moving Ego Vehicle, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  • El Moudni, A., Morbidi, F., Kramm, S., Boutteau, R., (2023) : An Event-based Stereo 3D Mapping and Tracking Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Bilbao, Spain.
  • Zhou, Z., Wu, Z., Boutteau, R., Yang, F., Demonceaux, C., Ginhac, D., (2023) : RGB-Event Fusion for Moving Object Detection in Autonomous Driving, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, United Kingdom.

Papers at national conferences

  • Zhou, Z., Wu, Z., Boutteau, R., Yang, F., Demonceaux, C., Ginhac, D., (2023) : Détection d'objets en mouvement dans un milieu urbain par fusion de données RVB et événementielles, Colloque GRETSI (GRETSI), Grenoble, France. link
  • El Moudni, A., Kramm, S., Morbidi, F., Boutteau, R., (2023) : Suivi et estimation de profondeur avec un banc stéréo événementiel embarqué sur un véhicule autonome, ORASIS, journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur (ORASIS), Carqueiranne, France.

Other communications

  • El Moudni, A. (2023) : An event-based stereo 3D mapping and tracking pipeline for autonomous vehicles, Journée inter-GdR ISIS et Robotique "Caméra à évènements appliquée à la robotique" le 16/11/2023, Paris, France.
  • Zhou, Z., (2022) : RGB-Event fusion for Moving Object Detection in Autonomous Driving, Journée inter-GdR ISIS et Robotique "Capteurs visuels émergents pour la robotique" le 10/11/2022, Paris, France.

Book Chapters


Previous publications from partners related to the project

  • Mhiri, R., Ouerghi, S., Boutteau, R., Vasseur, P., Mousset, S., Bensrhair, A. (2019). “Asynchronous Structure from Motion at Scale”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 96, n. 2, pp. 159-177.
  • Bonardi, F., Ainouz, S., Boutteau, R., Dupuis, Y., Savatier, X., Vasseur, P. (2017). “PHROG: A multimodal Feature for Place Recognition”, Sensors, vol. 17, n. 5, 1167.
  • Lecrosnier, L., Boutteau, R., Vasseur, P., Fraundorfer, F., Savatier, X., (2019). “Camera pose estimation based on PnL with a known vertical , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, n. 4, pp. 3852-3859.
  • Merriaux, P., Dupuis, Y., Boutteau, R., Vasseur, P., Savatier, X. (2016). “Correction de nuages de points lidar embarqué sur véhicule pour la reconstruction d'environnement 3D vaste”, In Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA).
  • Saurer, O., Vasseur, P., Boutteau, R., Demonceaux, C., Pollefeys, M., Fraundorfer, F., (2017) : “Homography Based Egomotion Estimation with a Common Direction”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 39, n. 2, pp. 327-341.
  • Lecrosnier, L., Boutteau, R., Vasseur, P., Savatier, X., Fraundorfer, F., (2019): “Vision based vehicle relocalization in 3D line-feature map using Perspective-n-Line with a known vertical direction”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1263-1269.
  • Piasco, N., Sidibé, D., Gouet-Brunet, V., Demonceaux, C. (2021). “Improving image description with auxiliary modality for visual localization in challenging conditions”, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 129, pp. 185-202.
  • Jiang, C., Paudel, D. P., Fofi, D., Fougerolle, Y., Demonceaux, C. (2021). “Moving Object Detection by 3D Flow Field Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, n. 4, pp. 1950-1963.
  • Jiang, C., Paudel, D. P., Fougerolle, Y., Fofi, D., Demonceaux, C. (2016). “Static-Map and Dynamic Object Reconstruction in Outdoor Scenes Using 3-D Motion Segmentation”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 324-331.

Impact on road safety

At the social level, the benefits for fully autonomous vehicles and for ADAS will be important. Research in the project will focus on detection of the most vulnerable users, and in particular those for whom the solutions are not sufficient to ensure their safety: pedestrians, cyclists and motorcycles. By improving safety, this project will contribute to the acceptability and development of autonomous vehicles, and consequently their social and economic benefits, delegated driving on expressways, public transport by autonomous vehicles, shared autonomous vehicles, etc.