07/10/2024 : Advancement Meeting at University of Rouen Normandy
19-27/10/2024 : Anass at Technische Universität Berlin (Team of Guillermo Gallego)
24/10/2024 : Second session of recording Event-RGB à 8:15 am
14-18/10/2024 : Participation of Zhuyun to IROS 2024, Abu Dhabi.
10/10/2024 : Science Gathering at the University of Rouen. The simulator Carla is tested by children.
03/10/2024 : First session of recording Event - RGB
20/12/2023: Advancement Meeting at Dijon University.
Anass, Zhuyun, Djessy, Jihed et Djessy presented their work.
2023/11/16: The CERBERE project was once again well represented at the ISIS GDR day "Event Camera applied to robotics". Six members (Anass, Cédric, Rémi, Fabio, Sébastien, Katerine) were present and Anass presented his work entitled "An Event-based Stereo 3D Mapping and Tracking Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles".
01/10/2023 : Djessy spent 2 months in South Korea, at SUNY (State University of New York) Korea.
2023/09/25 : Anass presented our paper "An Event-based Stereo 3D Mapping and Tracking Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles" at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2023 in Bilbao (Spain).
2023/08/30 : Zhuyun presented our paper "Detection of moving objects in an urban environment by fusion of RGB and event data" at the GRETSI conference in Grenoble.
2023/05/31 : Zhuyun presented our paper "RGB-Event Fusion for Moving Object Detection in Autonomous Driving" at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Autonomation (ICRA 2023) in London, UK.
2023/05/25 : Anass presented our paper "Tracking and Depth monitoring estimation with event stereo cameras on an autonomous vehicle" at ORASIS, French-speaking conference of young researchers in computer vision in Carqueiranne.
2023/05/16 : First test of our acquisition system link.
2023/4/3: Anass' paper has been accepted at ORASIS 2023, the French-speaking conference for young researchers in computer vision, which will take place from 22 to 26 May 2023 in Carqueiranne.
2023/03/28: Advancement Meeting in Amiens at the Logis du Roy, Jules Verne University.
Anass, Zhuyun and Djessy presented their work. Rémi presented the results of the project.
Logis du Roy, University of Jules Verne
2023/02/19 : Fabio Morbidi gave a seminar at the CNRS-AIST Joint Robotics Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan. "Event-based vision: A new sensing paradigm for agile drones and autonomous cars".
2023/01/17 : Zhuyun's paper was accepted at ICRA 2023: Zhou, Z., Wu, Z., Boutteau, R., Yang, F., Demonceaux, C., Ginhac, D., (2023): RGB-Event Fusion for Moving Object Detection in Autonomous Driving, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, United Kingdom.
2022/11/10 : The CERBERE project was well represented at the "Emerging Visual Sensors for Robotics" day organised by the GDR ISIS.
Five members were present (Anass, Zhuyun, Dominique, Cédric, Rémi). Pascal was also a co-organizer of this meeting.
Zhuyun gave a presentation of his thesis work.
2022/10/17 : Beginning of Djessy Rossi's thesis (MIS thesis - ImViA)
2022/10/10 : Presentation of event cameras and the CERBERE project by Anass at the Science Festival of the University (National Event)
2022/10/10 : Beginning of Anass El Moudni's thesis (LITIS - MIS thesis)
2022/06/13 : Partners' meeting at LITIS
2022/02/21 : Start of Anass El Moudni's internship (LITIS - MIS internship)
2022/01/01 : Start of the Zhuyun Zhou thesis (ImViA thesis - LITIS)
2022/01/01 : Start of the CERBERE project
2021/11/15 : Presentation of the CERBERE project at the Kick-Off of the EC 22 "Urban Societies, Territories,
constructions and mobility" of the ANR
2021/07/05 : Acceptance of the CERBERE project by the ANR